Monday, July 18, 2011

Importance of Dimensions

As we have seen, numbers representing dimensions (or powers) are of a qualitatively different nature than corresponding number quantities.

These dimensions then give rise to a circular number system (of a qualitative nature) that is inversely related to their corresponding roots (in quantitative terms).

The importance of this number system is that it provides the appropriate basis for a true appreciation of the nature of space and time.

So properly understood in this context, the nature of space and time is of a direct mathematical nature (relating however to Type 2 rather than Type 1 appreciation).

Furthermore such appreciation relates to both the physical and psychological aspects of reality (both of which are complementary in nature).

Indeed we can use Type 2 appreciation to explain conventional interpretation of the nature of space and time.

From a qualitative Type 2 perspective, Type 1 Mathematics is of a linear (1-dimensional) form.

Therefore when this is applied to space and time, it leads to one of these being treated as qualitative (with the remaining 3 seen as quantitative).

This therefore is consistent with the conventional perspective whereby objects are treated as 3-dimensional in quantitative spatial terms, with the remaining dimension as - relatively - qualitative as time (though of course time also has an indirect quantitative aspect which can be measured).

However once we realise that every number (apart from 1) equally has a qualitative dimensional inetrpretation, this opens up the way for an entirely new appreciation of space and time (of which conventional interpretation represents but one limited case)!

And in all of these other cases a dynamic complementary type relationship exists as between both the physical and psychological aspects of space and time.

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