We are now in a position to properly understand the true importance of the bi-directional relationship as between the prime and natural numbers.
Put simply, they serve as the fundamental means through which both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of phenomenal reality are transmitted.
So once again, number (with respect to both its analytic and holistic aspects) serves as the inherent encoded basis of the created Universe. Then the subsequent decoded nature of reality is manifested through all its various phenomenal appearances (in both physical and psychological terms).
Now, as always in a dynamic manner, interaction takes place in a complementary manner.
Thus when we identify the primes with the transmission of the qualitative aspect, then the (composite) natural numbers are associated with the transmission of the quantitative aspect in complementary fashion.
However when we then identify the primes with the transmission of the quantitative aspect, the (composite) natural numbers are associated with the transmission of the qualitative aspect, again in complementary fashion.
It must be remembered that we have two relatively distinct frames of reference through which the relationship of primes and natural numbers can be viewed.
Firstly, we have the internal micro composition of each prime as composed of individual members, that can be viewed in both a cardinal (quantitative) and ordinal (qualitative) manner.
Secondly, we have, by contrast, the external macro composition of the primes that operate in a collective manner to uniquely generate the (composite) natural numbers. These once again can be viewed in both a cardinal (quantitative) and ordinal (qualitative) manner.
So we have two complementary reference frames (micro and macro) through which the primes and natural numbers interact.
Therefore when we identify the primes with - say - the quantitative aspect (in one reference frame), we must then identify them with the qualitative aspect (in the other). And similar complementary dynamics then operate with respect to the natural numbers, with continual switching as between quantitative and qualitative aspects, through corresponding switching of reference frames, thereby taking place.
In psychological terms, these two-way dynamics as between the prime and natural numbers are closely mirrored by the similar interaction as between both conscious and unconscious aspects of personality.
In earliest development, when neither the differentiation nor integration of personality has yet properly commenced, the infant suffers greatly from primitive (prime) confusion i.e. where the (holistic) unconscious is directly confused with the (analytic) conscious mind.
Therefore natural phenomena can enjoy little stability and remain very short-lived in experience.
Thus the very process by which the primes and natural numbers are properly distinguished mathematically from each other in quantitative physical terms (before their subsequent qualitative integration with each other), is precisely complemented by the psychological process through which both conscious and unconscious are properly differentiated from each other, as the prerequisite to their eventual combined integration.
Thus from a dynamic experiential perspective, we cannot properly distinguish the mathematical task of properly understanding the relationship between the primes and natural numbers (in quantitative and qualitative terms) from the corresponding psychological task of the proper differentiation (and subsequent integration) of both the conscious and unconscious aspects of personality.
And once again, we have perhaps seen through all these blog entries (on "Wholes and Parts") how hopelessly unsuited - because of its greatly reduced nature - is the conventional mathematical approach for properly addressing these issues.
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